Friday 8 March 2013

Ipkknd 5th september 2011 ((episode 68)) written update

Khushi is teaching Lavanya the story of Krishna. Lavanya is quite bothered by the entire thing, as Nani and Anjali look on, smiling. Khushi is quite /enthusiastic/ about acting/dramatising the story. * Lavanya goes off to do something to get out of helping Khushi, and Nani & Anjali are called into the kitchen. Suddenly the phone rings, and Khushi cautiously answers it. It's Arnav. Khushi freaks out, softly calls him names, and then confidently states who she is. Turns out Arnav's calling because he needs to know what Anjali needs for the pooja. Khushi tells him, but Arnav forces her to ask Anjali. He hangs up when Khushi smugly says she told him so. * Lavanya comes back, and Khushi looks at her, feeling sorry for her. Being forced into this relationship is obviously taking a toil on Lavanya. So Khushi takes her into the pooja room, to show her /Bal Gopal/. * Khushi explains that Krishna has 108 /(?)/ different names, which all have amazing meanings. Lavanya then likens the numerous names to Khushi, and Mami joins in with the taunting. Anjali comes in hearing this, and softly berates Mami. Anjali then mentions her husband has a variation of Krishna's name... Khushi says the paying guest also has a variation of the name. But before Anjali can say what the name is, she's called away. * Khushi then takes Lavanya into the kitchen when Lavanya asks about cutting cake for Krishna's birthday. She wants Lavanya to help make food, but Lavanya makes the excuse that she's waiting for an important phone call, and leaves quickly. Suddenly, they hear Lavanya's phone ring, and Khushi goes off in search of her. * Arnav has arrived home, and is carrying packages. Khushi slips right in front of Arnav (due to Mami spilling something on the ground and blaming the servant), and he saves her. /Rabba Ve/ plays during their moment... before they both realise the compromising position, and Khushi quickly disjoints herself. Anjali comes in wondering what's just happened, and Khushi walks away. * Anjali then calls for Khushi while she's threading flowers for the evening. Khushi tells her that she needs to leave early tonight as Bua & Payal are waiting for her to do the pooja. Anjali doesn't want her to leave because she's worried Lavanya might do something wrong. Arnav passes by, and rudely tells Anjali to offer double pay for overtime - no one ever refuses that. * Khushi angrily states that she must go home. Nani comes in, tells Arnav off, who leaves. Nani then tells Khushi she needs to stay. Anjali decides to invite Khushi's family, including the paying guest. * Nani calls Bua, and invites them to the pooja. It takes a fair bit, but Bua eventually agrees. Shyam isn't very happy at all about these developments. * Anjali & Nani are extremely pleased with the developments. Akash comes inside, and tells Anjali she's needed. Anjali takes advantage of the situation, and informs Akash that Payal will be there at the celebration. Akash begins thinking of Payal, and then Anjali asks him what he wanted to say. Akash has forgotten. * Bua tells Payal and Shyam that they should go to the pooja.. it'll be good for them. Payal is suddenly thinking of Akash, and the flashback is of their meeting at the anniversary party. Shyam on the other hand, is furious. * Lavanya is fuming in regards to /Chamkili/. How is it that Khushi has won over Nani so quickly when she hasn't? Mami, who is painting her nails, tells Lavanya that it is "phirst come, phirst served". Khushi's entrance to the family was full of surprises, Lavanya's entrance was full of disappointments. She tells Lavanya to plan something so Khushi becomes humiliated at the pooja. Mami leaves, saying she needs to dress up as Bua's coming. * Lavanya calls someone and sets up her /plan/. -||-

*Precap: *The police are in the Raizada house, and ask for Khushi Kumari Gupta. The entire Raizada & Gupta families are worried/shocked..

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